Thursday, 21 January 2016

Girls Stay Strong

Hello guys,

So today is a bit of an advice post, yes, I have posted this on my Instagram before, but I feel like the people who don't follow my Instagram should hear it too, plus it has a little extra added into it.
Before I post this, a lot of you will think I am posting this for attention, but I am not. Honestly I want to get a message out to all girls that it doesn't matter what you look like.

I struggle with my looks and my body. But not in the way most people do. I physically mentally struggle and a lot of people, when I say I'm fat or whatever, are very quick to jump to conclusion and judge me. They will think that I am saying it for attention, or if I think that I am fat that I should do something about it. Whereas what they don't know is that I do sport almost everyday of the week, sometimes more than once a day! Along side this, I don't eat, or I have times where I don't eat because I feel sick if I eat, or that I feel if I don't eat I will become skinnier. But this is all because I get called fat and have been since my first primary school!

I am older, than people my age, not only am I almost in year nine with a 24 hour, 47 minute difference, but I also act older because of everything I have been through (at some stage I will come out to you all), but also because I look older, my whole body has always grown up quicker than everybody else my age! I had a full set of baby teeth at 1 and adult teeth at 9. I don't look 13, nor my face, body or personality. But nobody understands this and they don't know what's going through my head, and trust me, what goes through my head isn't good, so when people say crap about me behind my back it brings me even further down into a shit hole.


All I want to say, besides my personal issues with myself, you don't need makeup to look pretty, you don't need to go on diets, you don't need to stuff your bra or do any of the stupid, little things girls do to try and look perfect. Whereas, the truth is, nobody is 100% perfect. Whether you think someone is prettier or thinner than you, you shouldn't care. You are you and you should never change that. Believe in yourself and ignore the horrible people out there who find it hilarious to judge, or to make fun of you or call you names. Because those people are not worth it. And probably just jealous of how beautiful you are.
And I know it's easier said than done, trust me, but eventually you and even myself will get there.

If you want, post a photo of yourself with absolutely no makeup or no edits or silly poses or whatever.
Many people post photos saying "no makeup selfie" but in fact they are wearing concealer and mascara or more.   
I mean post a photo of your completely free looking face. Because I guarantee you will look perfect. If anybody wants to do this then just #maddymaysmakeup (Instagram) and tell me or tag me on your photo.
But if you don't want don't do it then it's fine, but I think you should prove to people that your beautiful. Because you are 😊.

I very much hope that I have helped you, if not all then some, and I would love to hear back from you guys. Just comment or anything if anyone needs a chat. Because I am here for anyone, whether I know you or not.

Keep Smiling,
Lots of Love,
Maddy May Xo


Monday, 28 December 2015

Introduction to Maddy May! Xo


Hi everyone! I am Maddy May!
I have never done blogs before, I have done vlogs on Youtube though. My channel name is Maddy May and I would really appreciate it if you went and checked it out! Anyway, a bit about me and this blog.
I am 13 years old, yet I act (most of the time) and look older. I am a very all rounded person from doing sports to performing arts to drawing. I play football, go swimming and go to the gym. I love to draw and paint but mostly draw. I have loved art ever since I could pick up a pencil! Literally! I love acting for both TV shows, movies and adverts and for musical theatre. I did musical theatre at CYT from a young age of five until  I was eleven until it unfortunately closed down. Luckily enough I had started a TV acting thing called Act4TV and have been going there ever since. Act4TV is a great opportunity for me to get acting jobs of all kinds. I am getting back into performing arts in April because I have been lucky enough to get a place in Stagecoach, a professional performing arts school on a Friday evening and I am very much looking forward to go there, where I will once again be able to do acting, singing and street dance, all things of which I enjoy and did at CYT. I am a very musical person. Above singing I play flute, piano, keyboard, electric guitar, acoustic guitar and a bit of ukulele. I am about to start learning the drums and maybe bass guitar too.  I write songs also. I love to bake, and cook for that matter. But I am more of a baker! I am constantly baking cakes and have made pretzels and all sorts! I do find them quite tasty if I do say so myself! I enjoy writing stories, from magical, children stories to tragic stories that can be quite heart braking. I love to do photography at every opportunity I get, I love playing Xbox on games like COD, GTA5, Fifa and fun things like Disney Fantasia, Just Dance or Plants V Zombies, and finally (I think!) I love making youtube videos. MADDY MAY! 
So that was a bit about me, hope that was not too boring for you. Haha!

The Blogs

My blogs are going to be varied. From updates about whats happened in my life, and may I just say a lot of it is bad. But I feel I should share to you what real life is about as many of you see me as a fake, because if I show my real self to people I fear I will scare them off, and this has happened before so what better way to do it then through a computer screen where nobody can really hurt me. So as I was saying the blogs will be from updates, to advice on fun things to advice on bad things and to things like sports or fashion or beauty. All that kind of stuff.

So guys, that was my introduction over.  I hope you like my blogs to come. Thank you very much for reading. 

Keep Smiling,
Lots of Love, 
Maddy May Xo